
Be the first to know

By joining, you will be given access to insider scuttlebutt and an opportunity to a Limited Edition Stickers Pack along with schwags delivered at your doorsteps. When they’re gone, they’re gone – so, don’t miss out!

Take us for a spin to grab free schwags

Help us test and improve the platform to get an opportunity for grabbing a Limited Edition Stickers Pack along with schwags delivered at your doorsteps.¹

For the 1,000 chosen ones

There is a limit on the number of users in our early access program. If there’s no more space you’ll get a notification saying so.²

Why should you join?

You will be notified as soon as the platform is open for students and given the first opportunity to reserve your place.

The early access program also lets users help shape the design of new features by giving us feedback on the onboarding experience, thoughts on features, and suggestions on how it can be used.

You will be given the opportunity to permanently partner with Vedilink and have access to upcoming new features that are still under development.

¹Restrictions apply. See Terms for details.

² More space may open later if current early access users leave or if we expand the capacity of users altogether. See Terms for details.